Free Download Cloudburst (2011)
- MOVIE page: Cloudburst (2011)
- Rate: 6.9/10 total 231 votes
- Genre: Adventure | Comedy | Drama
- Runtime: 93 min
- Filming Location: Blomidon, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Director: Thom Fitzgerald
- Stars: Olympia Dukakis, Kristin Booth, Brenda Fricker | See full cast and crew
- Original Music By: Jason Michael MacIsaac Warren Robert
- Soundtrack: Takeoff
- Plot Keyword: Hitchhiker | Nursing Home | Canada | Lesbian | Lesbian Couple
- (in alphabetical order)
- Thom Fitzgerald screenplay
Plot: A lesbian couple escape from their nursing home and head up to Canada to get married. Along the way, they pick up a young, male hitchhiker. | »
Story: A lesbian couple escape from their nursing home and head up to Canada to get married. Along the way, they pick up a young, male hitchhiker.
Produced By:
- Thom Fitzgerald known as producer
- William Jarblum known as executive producer
- Sidney Kimmel known as executive producer
- Vicki McCarty known as executive producer
- Shandi Mitchell known as executive producer
- Doug Pettigrew known as producer
- Trudy Pettigrew known as executive producer
- Bruce Toll known as executive producer
- Dana Warren known as executive producer
- Olympia Dukakis known as Stella
- Kristin Booth known as Molly
- Brenda Fricker known as Dot
- John Dunsworth known as Arnold
- Ryan Doucette known as Prentice
- Jeremy Akerman known as Justice
- Mary-Colin Chisholm known as Ynez
- Mark A. Owen known as Border Guard
- John Beale known as Border Guard
- Luke Fisher known as Fiddler
- Kevin Kincaid known as Craig
- Michael Ray Fox known as Border Guard
- Michael McPhee known as Tommy
- Marlane O'Brien known as Cat
- Darcy Fraser known as Bodhranist
- Randy Boliver known as Guillaume
- Juanita Peters known as Nurse
- Ruth Owen known as Nursing Home Resident
- Trina Corkum known as Waitress
- Stephen Arnold known as Earl
- Keelin Jack known as Tavern Wench
- Wanda Arab known as Border Guard
- Ann Marra Shaftel known as Dancing Woman at Tavern
Production Companies:
- Emotion Pictures
- Sidney Kimmel Entertainment (funding)
Cloudburst (2011) Review by Mark Hipps from U.S.A. : North Carolina : Durham
Loved this movie. Contrary to the other reviewer who found OlympiaDukakis' character offensive I thought she was wonderful. She wasplaying a character. She wasn't representing all lesbians. Yes it wasover the top but I think the humanity of her character came through inspite of the swearing and 'bull dyke' representation. I think that theother character's grand daughter not realizing she was a lesbian was abigger stretch than Olympia's character. I also thought that therelationship between the two main characters was very realistic whetheryou wanted to accept their characterizations or not. I actually went tothis movie not expecting much and really just wanted to see OlympiaDukakis. I came out of the movie laughing, crying and uplifted by astory of love that is universal and eternal. I am sorry if you didn'twant to accept a lesbian who wears vests, cowboy hats, drinks tequilaand swears like a sailor but they do exist and so what? Who cares? Loveis love. If you want to laugh and cry and believe that everyone shouldhave the right to marry the person they love no matter what then go seethis movie. If you are easily offended by a bull dyke characterizationof an elderly lesbian then you may want to skip it but you will bemissing a real treat.
Cloudburst (2011) Review by Paul Ingram from Canada
This was an excellent movie. The 3 stars Olympia Dukakis, BrendaFricker and Ryan Doucette give outstanding performances and make thecharacters believable and interesting. Thom Fitzgerald takes a simplestory and turns it into a wonderful journey with spectacular backdropsspectacular performances from his cast. In the course of 2 hours he isable to develop each of the main characters so that we really careabout each of them. The minor Characters are a little cliché at timesbut it never takes away from the story or what makes this a greatmovie. The movie has course language but if you are not upset by thisyou will find yourself laughing and crying all within the length of themovie. Do yourself a favour and go see this!
Cloudburst (2011) Review by cmcaleer1 from Canada
It has been a long time since I have enjoyed a movie as much as I didwhen I watched Cloudburst last summer. My daughter and I watched ittogether and we laughed and cried all the way through it. I had notheard anything about the show before seeing it and it was a thrill tobe so surprised at how great the show was. While all of the cast playedtheir parts wonderfully, my favourite character was Ryan Doucette and Ilook forward to seeing him in many more future movies. I hope it comesout on video so I can buy a copy to add to my home collection. I can'twait to watch it again. Thank you for such great entertainment and keepup the great work Ryan.
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Cloudburst (2011) - IMDb Directed by Thom Fitzgerald. With Olympia Dukakis, Kristin Booth, Brenda Fricker, John Dunsworth. A lesbian couple escape from their nursing home and head up to ... Cloudburst (2011 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cloudburst is a 2011 Canadian-American adventure comedy-drama film by American-Canadian writer and director Thom Fitzgerald, which premiered at the Atlantic Film ... Cloudburst - Rotten Tomatoes - Movies Movie Trailers Reviews ... Review: Stella and Dot, an aging couple, escape from a nursing home in Maine and drive to Nova Scotia on a quest to be legally married. En route to Canada... "cloudburst 2011" : 9 files were found for free download - General ... Find the file you need and download it for free. For your query cloudburst 2011 9 results found. Maybe you are searching for cloudburst_2011.pdf, cloudburst_2011_low ... Cloudburst (2011) Movie Review MRQE Movie reviews for Cloudburst. MRQE Metric: See what the critics had to say and watch the trailer. Cloudburst (2011) - Release Info - IMDb Cloudburst (2011) Details. Full Cast and Crew; Release Dates; Official Sites; Box Office/Business; Company Credits; Filming Locations; Technical Specs; Literature ... Cloudburst DVD (2011) - LOVEFiLM - LOVEFiLM Watch movies & TV ... Cloudburst DVD from LOVEFiLM. Rent Cloudburst (2011) for FREE as part of a LOVEFiLM trial. Cloudburst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia On 20 July 2011, a cloudburst in upper Manali, 18 km away from Manali town in Himachal Pradesh state left 2 dead and 22 missing. On September 15, ...
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